The Iconic Blackwing Pencil

Blackwing is the choice of the discerning tabletop pencil to paper RPG gamer.  The folks at Blackwing have dialed it in - a Japanese graphite with a clay/wax recipe for increased durability and smoothness.  With domestically sourced incense cedar from the Pacific Northwest - this pencil has a classic aromatic component that pairs well with your finest dice set! 

We've tested several models and landed on the classic Blackwing - black lacquer finish and the softest of the four core leads offered.  The notes on your character sheet will stand out from the printer ink - very good in low lights dungeons and basements...  Our other choice for launch is the Blackwing Pearl - white lacquer with gold accents - a step up in the lead hardness scale from the Blackwing.  The Pearl certainly stands out at the table.

The other stand out for these pencils is the rectangular cross section ferrule.  Besides making the pencil stand out from the crowd - the one large benefit is that when you put your pencil down, it stays exactly where you put it.  The days of searching under the table for your pencil are over!

If you do purchase a Blackwing product, don't forget the 2-stage sharpener for extra long point..!



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